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Monday 25 August 2014

beggars in Italy
A few months ago, Venice and Verona authorities have decided to punish with heavy fines beggars. Moreover, they will be fined including those who give money and encourages begging. Verona mayor said that those who give money to beggars will be fined amounts ranging from 25 euros to 500 euros.

"The local police will be responsible for monitoring beggars and those who encourage the manifestation of mercy will be photographed and then legitimated, will subsequently receive the fines by mail," said a local of Verona.

A few days ago a campaign initiated by several traders in Catania, Sicily - Italy, which ask people not to give money to beggars, has spread in many cities and is likely to reach across the country.

For example, in front of a supermarket in the province of Emilia Romagna, a city of 134,000 inhabitants, was posted the message: "Customers are asked not to be generous to beggars in front of the store, they earn between 60 and 100 euros per day, as a skilled Italian ".


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